Driving For Dollars The Polite Way Using Deal Machine

Driving For Dollars The Polite Way Using Deal Machine. OUR STORYWhen we first got started in real estate investing less than 2 years ago we were faced with...

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Driving For Dollars The Polite Way Using Deal Machine

Driving For Dollars The Polite Way Using Deal Machine


When we first got started in real estate investing less than 2 years ago we were faced with the same challenge. How do we find motivated sellers with high equity? Like most people, we had NO IDEA where to start. What marketing should invest in? What list do we go after? We did know, WE HAD TO LEARN MOTIVATED SELLER MARKETING! 

Our WHY? We did know our WHY. Your WHY is What Helps You. Or What Hurts You? What is it that will make you go through the trials and tribulations of growing a busy. Our WHY was To achieve financial freedom and independence through real estate investing and to pass on our wealth & freedom to two young sons. 

Phuck How…What’s your WHY?

So HOW would we go about achieving this lofty goal? We tried cold calling, bandit signs, ringless voicemail, text marketing. We’ve spent over $100,000 in mentors, masterminds, coaches, consultants and courses gain the specialized knowledge we have today. Far and away Driving for Dollars using Deal Machine has been our #1 source of leads and deals. It’s how we CONSISTENTLY find and flip properties with little to no money down. Our current challenge is we have too many leads to follow up with and not enough time. To solve this we’ve hired two acquisitions managers. 

“You’ve got to do Direct Mail” they said…

Us: “But How SWAY?” (Kanye West voice). 

We knew direct mail still worked. But we had no idea where to start? What should the postcard say? How many times should we mail a seller? What color should the postcard be? Most importantly, we did not have the budget to spend $5-20K per month on direct mail that the big investors were spending to get their deals. We needed a way to do direct mail that was less expensive and achieved a higher response rate. The answer was Driving for Dollars with Deal Machine! Imagine spending $3-5K per month and closing $50-60K per month consistently. 

Driving For Dollars The Polite Way Using Deal Machine on sunlurn.com